Last week, I found a great snack mix on Instagram! Calongaeaf posted the Reel on Instagram – see it here.

It looked like a fun and delicious mix of treats, so naturally, I had to try it for myself! I bought all of the ingredients and found the most perfect jar on Amazon.

For this Festive Mix, you will need a bowl or jar to store plus all the treats! Here is a link for the Pumpkin Jar I found.


  • Peanuts
  • Pretzels
  • Candy Corn
  • Mellowcreme Pumpkins
  • Mini Reese’s Cups
  • Reese’s Pieces

Once I began pouring the ingredients in, I realized I bought WAY too many treats haha One bag of each should suffice for the mixture.

I began by pouring layer by layer into the container. I then shook it up, and voila, the perfect fall snack mix!

See it all come together below.

If you make this Fall Festive Snack Mix, let me know what you think in the comments ๐Ÿ™‚


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